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Sample Ogre Kingdoms Army Lists

by Avian

Following is a little selection of army lists that I can recommend when playing Ogre Kingdoms.

When I see people writing up army lists I believe will not work, the problem is generally that they have too few units. They make the ones they have too big and too expensive and neglect the cheaper support units (such as Gnobbos, for example). Very seldom do you see people taking too many units, though that is of course possible - at one local tournie an otherwise competent player showed up with an Ogre army conisting mainly of units of 3 Ogres and they kept bouncing off much tougher enemy units without ever achieving anything much.



Note that the first list at all sizes are basically expansions on each other, while the other lists are more independently created.

1000 pt lists

1500 pt lists

2000 pt lists

2500 pts


1000 pt army lists

Really, 1000 pts is a bit low to be called an army and you may find that battles will often be decided on a few crucial dice rolls (as there will be fewer dice rolls per battle, each one will be more important).


1000 pt army list #1

This list is based on the battalion box, with the Bruiser being converted from a spare ogre (you should have a spare great weapon since the Irongut standard bearer is unlikely to carry one, having only one spare hand) and Trappers being converted from spare plastic gnoblars.


Ogre Bruiser @ 187 pts
- Great weapon
- Heavy armour
- Fistful of Laurels
- 2 Gnoblar Thiefstones

Core units

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard & Bellower

4 Ironguts @ 267 pts
- Gutlord, Standard & Bellower
- War Banner

30 Gnoblar Fighters @ 62 pts
- Groinbiter

8 Trappers @ 54 pts
- Snarefinger

Special units

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

Total: 994 pts

The General is set up with items that support the army, if you wanted to, you could swap the Thiefstones for a Wyrdstone Necklace and a Luck Gnoblar or the Siegebreaker (or swap all his items for the Siegebreaker, Wyrdstone Necklace and a Luck Gnoblar).
The setup is intended for the General to join whichever ogre unit that could use his help, or move around on his own if there is not much in the way of enemy missile fire going around. If you suspect that you will face cannons or similar war machines that may target your General, you will want to add a Look-out Gnoblar to one of the units and have the Bruiser in that unit most of the time.
If you really want a Butcher (not really recommended at 1k), then you'll probably want to swap one unit of Leadbelcher and the Trappers to get him. Suggested setup in that case is the Skullmantle or Bangstick, plus a Dispel Scroll and maybe a Tooth Gnoblar or two if you can find the points.
A handful of extra points can always be found by dropping gnoblar champions and / or a few gnobbos off the Fighter unit.


1000 pt army list #2

Again a list based on the battalion box, this time with two smaller units of Bulls working to support the Ironguts led by your General.


Ogre Bruiser @ 187 pts
- Great weapon
- Heavy armour
- Fistful of Laurels
- 2 Gnoblar Thiefstones

Core units

3 Bulls @ 127 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

3 Bulls @ 127 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

3 Ironguts @ 219 pts
- Gutlord, Standard & Bellower
- War Banner

25 Gnoblar Fighters @ 52 pts
- Groinbiter

8 Trappers @ 48 pts

Special units

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

Total: 1000 pts

You have the same options as in the first list (see above).
It is also quite possible to swap the Trappers and Groinbiter for a second unit of 25 Fighters, though you won't get that out of a battalion box.


1000 pt army list #3

This list dispenses with Gnoblars all together in order to get more Ogre hitting power in. To build this list you will in addition to a battalion box also need an extra box of Ironguts.


Ogre Bruiser @ 187 pts
- Great weapon
- Heavy armour
- Fistful of Laurels
- 2 Gnoblar Thiefstones

Core units

3 Bulls @ 127 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

3 Bulls @ 127 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

3 Ironguts @ 199 pts
- Standard bearer & bellower
- War Banner

4 Ironguts @ 222 pts
- Standard bearer & bellower

Special units

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

Total: 982 pts

This list leaves 18 pts unspent, illustrating the problem with lists without gnobbos.
As with list #1, you have a bit of choice when it comes to equipment on your General. On the downside you don't have a lot of options on your units, the main question being what equipment you want on your Bulls - it would be possible to drop some stuff here and there to get another ogre in, if you wanted to.
Another option is to swap a Bulls unit for a Leadbelcher unit, or vice-versa. It would even be possible to drop an Irongut and some options from various units and get a Gorger, if you are bothered by enemy missile fire.


1500 pt army lists

At 1500 pts, you are starting to approach a decent-sized army and I often play with armies between 1500 and 200 pts, when I want a reasonably quick game. 1950 pts, for example, is probably the size I play the most. You tend to have a decent number of models (typically more than in a 2000 pt army) and armies depend more on their Core than on Lords (you can't have any) and Rare choices. Obviously, this will benefit armies with decent Core and Hero choices more than those that don't, but most armies (barring both kinds of Undead) work okay).


1500 pt army list #1

Being an extension of the 1000 pt list #1, this can be made by adding another box of Ogres and a Scraplauncher.


Ogre Bruiser @ 187 pts
- Great weapon
- Heavy armour
- Fistful of Laurels
- 2 Gnoblar Thiefstones

Ogre Butcher @ 190 pts
- Bangstick
- Dispel Scroll
- 2 Tooth Gnoblars

Core units

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard & Bellower

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard & Bellower

4 Ironguts @ 247 pts
- Standard & Bellower
- War Banner

30 Gnoblar Fighters @ 60 pts

8 Gnoblar Trappers @ 48 pts

Special units

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

Gnoblar Scraplauncher @ 165 pts

Total: 1499 pts

Obviously, you now have a lot more choice in what you want to do with the list and naturally all the choices you had at 1000 pts can be made here as well. I chose to add a Scraplauncher and a Butcher, because they are both quite flexible units, though you could easily swap either for a unit of Yhetees or a Slave Giant if you want other types of units. Personally I have not had much luck with either, though.
Alternatively, you could swap either for a small support unit of Bulls and another unit of Gnobbos (gnobbos are great!), to bulk out your army.
The items on the Butcher can of course be swapped around, a popular choice would be trading the Bangstick for the Skullmantle.


1500 pt army list #2

What passes for a shooty list in the Ogre world.


Ogre Bruiser @ 199 pts
- Great weapon
- Brace of Handguns
- Heavy armour
- Fistful of Laurels
- 2 Gnoblar Thiefstones

Ogre Butcher @ 190 pts
- Bangstick
- Dispel Scroll
- 2 Tooth Gnoblars

Core units

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard bearer & bellower

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard bearer & bellower

25 Gnoblar Fighters @ 50 pts

25 Gnoblar Fighters @ 50 pts

8 Gnoblar Trappers @ 48 pts

Special units

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

Gnoblar Scraplauncher @ 165 pts

Rare units

2 Maneaters @ 180 pts
- Brace of Handguns
- Heavy armour

Total: 1500 pts

You can swap one unit of Leadbelchers and one Fighter unit for a second Scraplauncher.


1500 pt army list #3


Ogre Bruiser @ 187 pts
- Great weapon
- Heavy armour
- Fistful of Laurels
- 2 Gnoblar Thiefstones

Butcher @ 180 pts
- Dispel Scroll
- Dispel Scroll

Core units

3 Bulls @ 127 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

3 Bulls @ 127 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard bearer & bellower

3 Ironguts @ 174 pts
- Standard bearer & bellower
- War Banner

4 Ironguts @ 222 pts
- Standard bearer & bellower

8 Gnoblar Trappers @ 52 pts
- Snarefinger

Special units

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

Total: 1498 pts

Items on the characters are of course interchangeable.
You can drop the second Irongut unit, juggle some points and get both a Scraplauncher and a Gorger. Alternatively you can swap the largest Bull unit for a Scraplauncher and some more upgrades.


2000 pt lists

I am personally not a great fan of 2000 pt armies. Once people have filled their character and Special and Rare slots, there is often quite few points left for Core units.


2000 pt army list #1

Pretty standard list, based on the other two #1 lists.


Tyrant @ 306 pts
- The Tenderiser
- Heavy armour
- Fistful of Laurels
- Kineater

Butcher @ 190 pts
- Bangstick
- Dispel Scroll
- 2 Tooth Gnoblars

Butcher @ 185 pts
- Skullmantle
- Power Stone
- 2 Tooth Gnoblars

Core units

4 Bulls @ 166 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard bearer & bellower

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard bearer & bellower

4 Ironguts @ 247 pts
- Standard bearer & bellower
- Look-out Gnoblar

30 Gnoblar Fighters @ 60 pts

30 Gnoblar Fighters @ 60 pts

8 Gnoblar Trappers @ 48 pts

Special units

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

Gnoblar Scraplauncher @ 165 pts

Rare units

Gorger @ 75 pts

Total: 1998 pts

Items on the characters are of course interchangeable. You can swap one Butcher for a Bruiser with the Battle Standard if you wish.
The Scraplauncher can be swapped for a Bull Rhinox.
The Ironguts and five gnobbos in either unit of Fighters can be swapped for a unit of 3 Maneaters, though in that case I would certainly get a BSB.


2000 pt army list #2

Used against armies with a decent amount of firepower, such as Dwarfs. The fighter characters each join a combat unit, which are screened by a Bull unit. Kineater keeps everyone moving forward. The cheap units are distractions.


Tyrant @ 306 pts
- The Tenderiser
- Heavy armour
- Gnoblar Thiefstone
- Kineater

Bruiser @ 164 pts
- Battle Standard
- Heavy armour
- Look-out Gnoblar

Butcher @ 180 pts
- Dispel Scroll
- Dispel Scroll

Core units

6 Bulls @ 220 pts
- Bellower

6 Bulls @ 220 pts
- Bellower

3 Ironguts @ 224 pts
- Gutlord, standard bearer & bellower
- Look-out Gnoblar
- War Banner

30 Gnoblar Fighters @ 62 pts
- Groinbiter

30 Gnoblar Fighters @ 62 pts
- Groinbiter

8 Trappers @ 54 pts
- Snarefinger

Special units

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

Rare units

3 Maneaters @ 270 pts
- Great weapons
- Heavy armour

Total: 2000 pts

The Maneaters can be swapped for a second Irongut unit if you want.
The Leadbelchers can be swapped for 3-man Bull units.


2000 pt army list #3


Tyrant @ 306 pts
- The Tenderiser
- Heavy armour
- Gnoblar Thiefstone
- Kineater

Bruiser @ 199 pts
- Battle Standard
- Greatskull
- Heavy armour
- Look-out Gnoblar

Butcher @ 190 pts
- Bangstick
- Dispel Scroll
- 2 Tooth Gnoblars

Core units

3 Bulls @ 127 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

3 Bulls @ 127 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

3 Bulls @ 127 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard bearer & bellower

3 Ironguts @ 199 pts
- Standard bearer & bellower
- War Banner

8 Gnoblar Trappers @ 52 pts
- Snarefinger

Special units

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

Gnoblar Scraplauncher @ 165 pts

Rare units

Gorger @ 75 pts

Total: 1993 pts

Items on the characters are of course interchangeable. You could also swap the BSB for a third Butcher, though I personally don't think there is a lot of point in that.
The Scraplauncher can be swapped for a Bull Rhinox or a Slavegiant.
You can drop one unit of Leadbelchers and a Gorger and get a unit of 3 Yhetees. If you choose to do so, you could also swap a unit of Ironguts plus some upgrades here and there and get a trio of Maneaters, in which case you really want to keep the BSB.


2500 pt lists

This is the level I prefer - you can have a Lord and the option for a bit more Special and Rare units, but it's also enough points to get a decent number of models in.


2500 pt army list #1

Pretty standard list, based on the other two #1 lists.


Tyrant @ 306 pts
- The Tenderiser
- Heavy armour
- Gnoblar Thiefstone
- Kineater

Bruiser @ 184 pts
- Battle Standard
- Sword of Might
- Heavy armour
- Look-out Gnoblar

Butcher @ 190 pts
- Bangstick
- Dispel Scroll
- 2 Tooth Gnoblars

Butcher @ 185 pts
- Skullmantle
- Power Stone
- 2 Tooth Gnoblars

Core units

4 Bulls @ 166 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard bearer & bellower

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard bearer & bellower

4 Ironguts @ 247 pts
- Standard bearer & bellower
- War Banner

30 Gnoblar Fighters @ 60 pts

30 Gnoblar Fighters @ 60 pts

8 Gnoblar Trappers @ 48 pts

Special units

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

Gnoblar Scraplauncher @ 165 pts

3 Yhetees @ 195 pts

Rare units

Gorger @ 75 pts

Total: 2497 pts

Items on the characters are of course interchangeable. You could also swap the BSB for a third Butcher, though I personally don't think there is a lot of point in that.
If you wish, you can swap the Yhetees for another pair of Leadbelchers and a second Gorger. Alternatively you can swap them for a second Scraplauncher and have 30 pts left over to buy a Gutlord for the Ironguts and some other bits and things.
The Scraplauncher can be swapped for a Bull Rhinox or a Slavegiant.
The Ironguts and five gnobbos from either unit of Fighters can be swapped for a unit of 3 Maneaters.


2500 pt army list #2

The fast approach (apart from the Fighter units that hang back and hold table quarters).


Tyrant @ 315 pts
- Great weapon
- Heavy armour
- Bullgut
- Wyrdstone Necklace
- Fistful of Laurels
- Longstrider
- Luck Gnoblar

Hunter @ 230 pts
- 2 Sabretusks
- Sword of Might
- Longstrider

Butcher @ 190 pts
- Bangstick
- Dispel Scroll
- 2 Tooth Gnoblars

Butcher @ 190 pts
- Siegebreaker
- Skullmantle
- 2 Tooth Gnoblars

Core units

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard bearer & bellower

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard bearer & bellower

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard bearer & bellower

20 Gnoblar Fighters @ 40 pts

20 Gnoblar Fighters @ 40 pts

8 Gnoblar Trappers @ 48 pts

8 Gnoblar Trappers @ 48 pts

Special units

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

Gnoblar Scraplauncher @ 165 pts

4 Yhetees @ 280 pts
- Greyback

Rare units

Gorger @ 75 pts

Gorger @ 75 pts

Total: 2494 pts

You can swap one Butcher for a Bruiser with the Battle Standard.
Instead of a Scraplauncher and four Yhetees with a Greyback, you can have two units of three Yhetees, each with a Greyback.
One Bulls unit can be swapped for a unit of 3 Ironguts with Standard bearer and bellower.


2500 pt army list #3


Tyrant @ 306 pts
- The Tenderiser
- Heavy armour
- Gnoblar Thiefstone
- Kineater

Bruiser @ 199 pts
- Battle Standard
- Greatskull
- Heavy armour
- Look-out Gnoblar

Butcher @ 190 pts
- Bangstick
- Dispel Scroll
- 2 Tooth Gnoblars

Butcher @ 190 pts
- Siegebreaker
- Skullmantle
- 2 Tooth Gnoblars

Core units

3 Bulls @ 127 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

3 Bulls @ 127 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

3 Bulls @ 127 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Bellower

4 Bulls @ 186 pts
- Additional hand weapons
- Standard bearer & bellower

3 Ironguts @ 199 pts
- Standard bearer & bellower
- War Banner

4 Ironguts @ 199 pts
- Gutlord, standard bearer & bellower

8 Gnoblar Trappers @ 52 pts
- Snarefinger

Special units

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

2 Leadbelchers @ 120 pts
- Bellower

Gnoblar Scraplauncher @ 165 pts

Rare units

Gorger @ 75 pts

Gorger @ 75 pts

Total: 2500 pts

Items on the characters are of course interchangeable. You could also swap the BSB for a third Butcher, though I personally don't think there is a lot of point in that.
The Scraplauncher can be swapped for a Bull Rhinox or a Slavegiant.
You can drop one unit of Leadbelchers and a Gorger and get a unit of 3 Yhetees. If you choose to do so, you could also swap a unit of Ironguts plus some upgrades here and there and get a trio of Maneaters, in which case you really want to keep the BSB.


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