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History of the Orcs & Goblins Army List

Battle Report Statistics

by Avian

So you can see how they do it. Note that this article has gotten somewhat dated and mainly deals with battle reports from the early days of 6th edition.


Share of army points spent on each category

As we can see it's pretty even between characters, core units and special + rare units.

# Army Characters Core Special + Rare Magic Items
All Average 33% 37% 30% %
278 Tomb Kings (2k) 28% 45% 26%  
  Bretonnia (2k) 45% 30% 25%  
276 High Elves (1k) 18% 45% 37%  
  Goblins (2k) 27% 62% 11%  
274 Chaos Mortals (1.5k) 35% 60% 4%  
  Dark Elves (2k) 30% 53% 17%  
271 Empire (3k) 35% 32% 33% Uncertain*
  Chaos Mortals (3k) 51% 40% 9% Uncertain*
268 Skaven (4k) 41% 37% 22%  
  Empire (2k) 25% 53% 23%  
266 Vampire Counts (2.5k) 29% 20% 50% 8%
  High Elves (2.5k) 31% 22% 28% 18%
262 Empire (2.5k) 25% 39% 36% 14%
  Bretonnia (2.5k) 43% 28% 30% 16%
259 Vampire Counts (3k) 43% 28% 29% Uncertain*
  Dark Elves (3k) 33% 35% 32% Uncertain*
256 Skaven (2k) 33% 32% 35% 10%
  Vampire Counts (2k) 39% 19% 43% 11%
255 Empire (2k) 27% 35% 38% 12%
  Dwarfs (4k) 38% 26% 35% 19%
253 Goblins (2k) 23% 23% 41% 9%
  Skaven (1k) 40% 37% 23% 15%
  Dwarfs (3k) 35% 26% 38% 20%
251 Empire (2k) 30% 41% 39% 10%
  Orcs & Goblins (3k) 34% 30% 35% Uncertain*
250 Empire (2k) 30% 49% 21% 14%
  Orcs & Goblins (2k) 33% 42% 25% 12%

*Because of use of special characters


Which armies spent most and least points on 'X'?


Core troops

Special + Rare troops

* Chaos armies disqualified due to incompatible army selection system.


Oddball stuff

Average ammount of points spent per lord: 277

Average share of upgradeable wizards upgraded: 80%


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