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Da Too Zoggin Many Days ovv Christmas

by Avian

X-treme Orky version, not fur humies and uvver wimps


On da furst day of Christmas da Lord Mork sent ta me
A wyvern in a pear tree

On da second day of Christmas da Lord Mork sent ta me
Two spear chukkas
And a wyvern in a pear tree

On da fird day of Christmas da Lord Mork sent ta me
Free rokk lobbas
Two spear chukkas
And a wyvern in a pear tree

On da manyeth day of Christmas da Lord Mork sent ta me
Many stone trollz
Free rokk lobbas
Two spear chukkas
And a wyvern in a pear tree

On da manyeth and wun day of Christmas da Lord Mork sent ta me
Many an' wun dyyyyying stunties
Many stone trollz
Free rokk lobbas
Two spear chukkas
And a wyvern in a pear tree

On da manyeth and wun and anudder wun day of Christmas da Lord Mork sent ta me
Many an' wun an' anudder wun loonies spinnin'
Many an' wun dyyyyying stunties
Many stone trollz
Free rokk lobbas
Two spear chukkas
And a wyvern in a pear tree

On da lotzth day of Christmas da Lord Mork sent ta me
Lotza squigs a-bouncin'
Many an' wun an' anudder wun loonies spinnin'
Many an' wun dyyyyying stunties
Many stone trollz
Free rokk lobbas
Two spear chukkas
And a wyvern in a pear tree

On da lotzth and wun day of Christmas da Lord Mork sent ta me
Lotz an' wun ogres eatin'
Lotza squigs a-bouncin'
Many an' wun an' anudder wun loonies spinnin'
Many an' wun dyyyyying stunties
Many stone trollz
Free rokk lobbas
Two spear chukkas
And a wyvern in a pear tree

On da lotzth and wun and anudder wun day of Christmas da Lord Mork sent ta me
Lotz an' wun an' anudder wun boyz a-squabblin'
Lotz an' wun ogres eatin'
Lotza squigs a-bouncin'
Many an' wun an' anudder wun loonies spinnin'
Many an' wun dyyyyying stunties
Many stone trollz
Free rokk lobbas
Two spear chukkas
And a wyvern in a pear tree

On da lotzth and wun and anudder wun and anudder wun day of Christmas da Lord Mork sent ta me
Lotz an' wun an' anudder wun an' anudder wun grots fleeing
Lotz an' wun an' anudder wun boyz a-squabblin'
Lotz an' wun ogres eatin'
Lotza squigs a-bouncin'
Many an' wun an' anudder wun loonies spinnin'
Many an' wun dyyyyying stunties
Many stone trollz
Free rokk lobbas
Two spear chukkas
And a wyvern in a pear tree

On da zogginth lot day of Christmas da Lord Mork sent ta me
A zoggin lot ovv stikkas missin'
Lotz an' wun an' anudder wun an' anudder wun grots fleeing
Lotz an' wun an' anudder wun boyz a-squabblin'
Lotz an' wun ogres eatin'
Lotza squigs a-bouncin'
Many an' wun an' anudder wun loonies spinnin'
Many an' wun dyyyyying stunties
Many stone trollz
Free rokk lobbas
Two spear chukkas
And a wyvern in a pear tree

On da aaargh too zoggin many day of Christmas da Lord Mork sent ta me
Too zoggin many gruntas ridin'
A zoggin lot ovv stikkas missin'
Lotz an' wun an' anudder wun an' anudder wun grots fleeing
Lotz an' wun an' anudder wun boyz a-squabblin'
Lotz an' wun ogres eatin'
Lotza squigs a-bouncin'
Many an' wun an' anudder wun loonies spinnin'
Many an' wun dyyyyying stunties
Many stone trollz
Free rokk lobbas
Two spear chukkas
And a wyvern in a pear tree

So all in all da lord Mork sent ta me:
Too zoggin' many gruntas ridin'
More stikkas dann I can count
Heaps ovv useless grotz
A big mob ovv boyz
Zog, 'ow am I gonna feed all dose ogres?
Ruffly da same ammount ovv squigs
Aaaargh, dem loonies iz commin dis way!
Lotz an' lotz ovv dyyyyyyying stunties
A vertabl' rockfall ovv trollz
'Ow many rokk lobbas iz dat? Nevermind, next line
Wot, we need a 9000 point army ta field all dem spear chukkas?
Too zoggin many wyverns fer wun tree ta hold



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