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Ogre Tribal Elder

Orcs & Goblins Core units

by Avian

As I am in the process of redoing quite a large portion of my greenskin army, I have decided to only post pics of redone units, at least to begin with. Thus there are a heap of units I have painted which are not featured here.


Pic Unit
The Two Moons
(30 Orc Boyz)
The Rock Biterz
(10 Orc Arrer Boyz)
The Bone Chewerz
(10 Orc Arrer Boyz)
The Two Bone Boyz
(20 Night Goblins)
The Last Leg Lads
(20 Night Goblins)
The Skull Bangers
(20 Night Goblins)
Night Goblin Fanatics
Da Bloody Fang Gang
(10 Goblin Wolf Riders)
Da Sourwood Scuttlers
(6 Forest Goblin Spider Riders)

Ten old metal Wolf Riders, equipped with spear, shield and light armour. This is one of my older units, but I didn't use it much through 6th edition, favouring my larger unit of plastic Wolf Riders instead. Now, in 7th edition, I have gone back to using units of ten, as fifteen ended up being so expensive, and this unit gets to fight a lot more.


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Miniature © Games Workshop unless noted. All rights reserved. Used without permission - model painted by Tarjei Aasen unless noted otherwise.