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Uses for Goblin Infantry

Design a Character

by Avian

Of course you also want a character to lead your lesser creations into battle. A suitable leader for smaller forces is a Hero. Here's how you create one. There is at the moment no limit as to what races can have what types of heroes, so you can have a Saurus assassin if you really really want to. There will probably be some limitations sometime.



Create a Hero

Create a Big Guy Hero


Create a Hero

First choose stats for your Hero. The numbers in the parantheses are the maximum increases allowed compared to a basic trooper, though a character does not have to take an increase if you don't want him to. A character can never have a lower value in any stat than a basic trooper (well, if you really want to he can, but he pays the point as if his stat value was equal to that of a basic trooper). You only pay the price listed in the column for the stat the character gets.



Stat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Movement (+1)     -10 pts 0 +10 pts +25 pts        
Weapon Skill (+5)*     -10 pts 0 0 +10 pts +20 pts +30 pts +40 pts +50 pts
Ballistic Skill (+5) Free! +5 pts
Strength (+1, max 4)     -10 pts 0            
Toughness (+1, max 4)**     0 +25 pts            
Wound (+1) 0 +15 pts                
Initiative (+4)*** Free!
Attacks (+2) -10 pts 0 +10 pts +20 pts            
Leadership (+3)****         -20 pts -10 pts 0 +10 pts +20 pts +30 pts

* an Assassin may not have more than twice the WS or BS of a basic trooper in his army.
** max 3 for elves
*** max equal to WS upgrade
**** max 8 for cold-blooded creatures

Cold-blooded characters cost an additional 10 pts.

Should an assassin character at this point cost less than 65 pts its cost is now raised to 65 pts.



Stat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Movement (+1)     -10 pts 0 +10 pts +20 pts +30 pts    
Weapon Skill (+2)     -10 pts 0 +10 pts +20 pts +30 pts    
Ballistic Skill (+1) Free!
Strength (+1)     -10 pts 0 +10 pts        
Toughness (+1, max 4)*   -10 pts 0 +10 pts +20 pts        
Wound (+1) 0 +15 pts +40 pts +65 pts          
Initiative (+1)** Free!
Attacks (+2) -15 pts 0 +15 pts +30 pts +45 pts        
Leadership (+1, max 9)***         -30 pts -15 pts 0 +15 pts +30 pts

* max 5 for orcs, max 3 for elves
** may only be taken if WS upgrade is taken
*** max 8 for cold-blooded creatures.

Cold-blooded characters cost an additional 10 pts.

Should a beastmaster character at this point cost less than 25 pts its cost is now raised to 25 pts.



Stat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Movement (+0)     -15 pts 0 +15 pts +30 pts      
Weapon Skill (+2)     -10 pts 0 +10 pts +20 pts +30 pts    
Ballistic Skill (+0) Free!
Strength (+1)     -10 pts 0 +10 pts        
Toughness (+1, max 4)*     0 +20 pts +40 pts        
Wound (+1) 0 +15 pts +40 pts +65 pts          
Initiative (+1)** Free!
Attacks (+2) -10 pts 0 +10 pts +20 pts +30 pts        
Leadership (+1, max 9)***           -10 pts -5 pts 0 +10 pts

* max 5 for orcs, max 3 for elves
** may only be taken if WS upgrade is taken
*** max 8 for cold-blooded creatures

Cold-blooded characters cost an additional 10 pts.

Should a berserker character at this point cost less than 25 pts its cost is now raised to 25 pts.



Stat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Movement (+0)     -10 pts 0 +10 pts +20 pts      
Weapon Skill (+1)   0 +5 pts +10 pts +15 pts +20 pts      
Ballistic Skill (+1) Free!
Strength (+0)   0 +10 pts +20 pts          
Toughness (+0)   0 +10 pts +20 pts          
Wound (+1) 0 +15 pts +40 pts +65 pts          
Initiative (+0) Free!
Attacks (+1) 0 +10 pts +20 pts            
Leadership (+0)         0 +5 pts +10 pts +15 pts +20 pts

Cold-blooded characters cost an additional 10 pts.

Should an engineer character at this point cost less than 25 pts its cost is now raised to 25 pts.



Stat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Movement (+0)     -15 pts 0 +15 pts +30 pts      
Weapon Skill (+2)     -10 pts 0 +10 pts +20 pts +30 pts    
Ballistic Skill (+2) Free!
Strength (+1)     -10 pts 0 +10 pts        
Toughness (+1, max 4)*     0 +15 pts +30 pts        
Wound (+1) 0 +15 pts +40 pts +65 pts          
Initiative (+2)** Free!
Attacks (+2) -10 pts 0 +10 pts +20 pts +30 pts        
Leadership (+1, max 9)***           -10 pts -5 pts 0 +10 pts

* max 5 for orcs
** max equal to WS upgrade
*** max 8 for cold-blooded creatures

Cold-blooded characters cost an additional 10 pts.

Should a fighter character at this point cost less than 25 pts its cost is now raised to 25 pts.



Stat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Movement (+0)     -15 pts 0 +15 pts +30 pts      
Weapon Skill (+1)     -10 pts 0 +10 pts +20 pts      
Ballistic Skill (+0) Free!
Strength (+1)     -10 pts 0 +10 pts        
Toughness (+1, max 4)*     0 +15 pts +30 pts        
Wound (+1) 0 +15 pts +40 pts +65 pts          
Initiative (+1)** Free!
Attacks (+1) -10 pts 0 +10 pts +20 pts          
Leadership (+1, max 9)***           -10 pts -5 pts 0 +10 pts

* max 5 for orcs
** max equal to WS upgrade
*** max 8 for cold-blooded creatures

Cold-blooded characters cost an additional 10 pts.

Should a priest character at this point cost less than 25 pts its cost is now raised to 25 pts.



Stat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Movement (+0)     -5 pts 0 +5 pts +15 pts      
Weapon Skill (+1)   0 0 0 +5 pts +15 pts      
Ballistic Skill (+0) Free!
Strength (+0)     0 + 10 pts +20 pts        
Toughness (+0)   -10 pts 0 +5 pts +20 pts        
Wound (+1) 0 +15 pts +40 pts +65 pts          
Initiative (+0) Free!
Attacks (+1) 0 +10 pts +20 pts            
Leadership (+0)         -15 pts -10 pts -5 pts 0 +10 pts

Cold-blooded characters cost an additional 10 pts.

A wizard must buy a Magic level of 1 for the cost of +50 pts. Each individual wizard may choose to raise this to level 2 at a cost of +35 pts.

Should a wizard character at this point cost less than 45 pts its cost is now raised to 45 pts.


Special abilities

Unless explicitly noted otherwise character types buy abilities, individual characters do not. Thus a Dark Elf army could have an Executioner Hero, with all the abilities and equipment of an Executioner, but it could not have a character type with the option to buy the Killing Blow special rule at will.

When the price of an ability depends on the number of weapons a character has, assume the character has one weapon.
A character can not and does not have to buy the Skirmish ability when he would otherwise be required to do so, though if his race would get a Rarity Increase for Skirmish he must pay for that Rarity Increase in the normal manner for his Hero type.
A character can not use the Scout ability if mounted.
An Unbreakable character can only be the army General if he is the only character.

When a character has to buy special abilities because they are compulsory to his race, use the cost listed below, multiplied by the factor listed in the description of the Hero type.



An Assassin Hero must have all the compulsory abilities of his race (ie. if he is a Vampire he must buy Undead), bought at five times the base cost.
An Assassin may start the game hidden in any unit of non-skirmishing infantry in his army. If he does so he may be revealed at the start of any Close Combat phase, before challenges are issued. He is placed in any fighting rank and replaces a regular trooper, who is displaced to the rear. The Assassin always strikes first in the turn he is revealed, striking before enemies who have charged. If the enemy also has this ability then blows are struck in Initiative order.
No other friendly model may every use the Assassin's Leadership for any Leadership test. An Assassin may not be the army General.
Each individual Assassin may have any of the following abilities at the cost listed (cost counts towards the Assassins quota of magic items).



A Beastmaster Hero must have all the compulsory abilities of his race (ie. if he is a Savage Orc he must buy Frenzy), bought at five times the base cost.
Beast units and Beast herds within 6" of a Beastmaster Hero may re-roll failed psychology tests. Monsters within 12" of a Beastmaster Hero may re-roll failed Monster reaction tests and a monster ridden by a Beastmaster Hero will automatically pass a monster reaction test.



A Berserker Hero must have all the compulsory abilities of his race (ie. if he is a Savage Orc he must buy Frenzy), bought at five times the base cost.
A Berserker Hero may select any of the following abilities at five times that which a trooper would have paid for the ability plus 5 points per point of Rarity increase: Blessed, Drunken, Frenzy, Hatred (any kind), Immune to Fear, Immune to Panic, Immune to Psychology, Impetous, Poisoned weapons, Stubborn, Unbreakable.
Unbreakable characters may not join units that are not Unbreakable.



An Engineer Hero must have all the compulsory abilities of his race (ie. if he is a Savage Orc he must buy Frenzy), bought at two times the base cost.
Any war machine joined by an engineer may re-roll one dice rolled to hit (D6, scatter or artillery dice) per turn, though the roll for a cannonball's bounce may not be re-rolled.



A Fighter Hero must have all the compulsory abilities of his race (ie. if he is a Savage Orc he must buy Frenzy), bought at five times the base cost.
A Fighter Hero can have any special ability available to his race, and which is also available to at least one of the unit types below (units that appear in the same army only). The price is 10 times what a trooper would have paid for the ability, plus 20 points per point of Rarity Increase. The character may not have any of the following abilities: Disciplined, Poisoned weapons, Strongmen.

One Fighter Hero in the army may carry the army Battle Standard at a cost of +25 pts. A Battle Standard Bearer may not use the Scout ability.



A Priest Hero must have all the compulsory abilities of his race (ie. if he is a Savage Orc he must buy Frenzy), bought at five times the base cost. A Priest must buy at least one of the abilities listed below: