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Glazed Elf

Golgfag Maneater

by Avian

Golgfag has been around for ages (I believe he was actually in 1st edition), and I thought it was time someone made some decent suggestions for rules for the big guy. Since the latest background material on him tells us that he has now started to gather his own mercenary army, I thought it fitting to include a rule for this. He is otherwise just a normal Tyrant with the standard Maneater rules (i.e. Stubborn and Immune to Psychology) and a couple of magic items I thought fitting for him. Note that I have not otherwise messed around with the Maneaters in his army (other than the fact that you can have a lot of them).


Golgfag Maneater - Lord

Golgfag is originally led his small band of Ogre mercenaries out of the Mountains of Mourn, hiring themselves out to Goblin Warbosses fighting against Dwarfs and to Dwarf Kings fighting against Goblins (sometimes both on the same day). Not content to merely hire out the services of himself and his Maneaters, in later years, Golgfag has started to lead a full mercenary of his own.

Golgfag Maneater is an Ogre Tyrant. The army may only include a single Golgfag Maneater.


Golgfag Maneater...................................................... Points: 355

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Golgfag Maneater 6 6 4 5 5 5 4 5 9

Wargear: Golgfag's Cutlery, the Howling Helm & heavy armour.

Special rules:
Cause Fear; Bull Charge; Immune to Psychology; Stubborn; Golgfag's mercenary army


Magic Items

Golgfag's Cutlery
Golgfag was very impressed by the way his Slaughtermaster's nasty cleaver would drain the life out of any foe it struck, so he commanded the Slaghtermaster to make him one as well. Sadly the Slaughtermaster was not able to fashion a weapon that would work as well for someone who was not a Butcher, but he was able to make two weapons that were half as good.
Count as two hand weapons. For each wound inflicted by the Cutlery, roll a D6; on a 4+ Golgfag regains one Wound (up to his starting number of 5 Wounds).

The Howling Helm
The Howling Helm is possessed by a daemon that constantly howls for the blood of mortals, bound to protect the wearer and those near him from harm, so that they can spill blood and gather skulls in close combat. The horrible howling would probably have driven anyone with a skull less thick than that of an Ogre mad, but Golgfag doesn't seem to be bothered by it.
The wearer of the Howling Helm, and any unit he leads, gain a 5+ Ward save.


Explanation of special rules

Golgfag Maneater is a big infantry character, should be on a 40 mm base and has a unit Strength of 3. He is an Ogre for all intents and purposes.

Cause Fear: See page 50 of the Warhammer Rulebook.

Bull Charge: See page 16 of the Ogre Kingdoms army book.

Immune to Psychology: See page 53 of the Warhammer Rulebook.

Stubborn: See page 53 of the Warhammer Rulebook.

Golgfag's mercenary army: Golgfag leads the biggest mercenary army any Ogre has ever lead. Any army led by him may select its units from both the Ogre Kingdoms army list and the Dogs of War army list. It may select Regiments of Renown as if it were a Dogs of War army and an Ogre Kingdoms army, but may only include one of each individual Regiment of Renown, as normal.
All normal restrictions apply and the army is limited by the total number of characters, Core, Special and Rare units. So if the army can contain up to 2 Rare units, these can either be 2 Rare units from the Ogre Kingdoms list or 2 Rare units from the Dogs of War list, or one from each - not 2 Rare units from each list.
Note that the army may select Ogre Maneater as a Special unit (because it counts as a Dogs of War army) and as Rare units (as it counts as an Ogre Kingdoms army). The army may therefore contain a maximum of 6 units of Maneaters at 2,000 points, should you so wish.
The army may not contain a Battle Standard Bearer other than Skraff (see below) and may not include a Paymaster. Ogre characters may not join Dogs of War units, or vice-versa.


Skaff - Hero

Skaff is Golgfag's trusted standard bearer. Several years ago, Golgfag was locked in the dungeon of a Dwarf Lord and left to starve there along with all the other prisoners. In his infinite hunger, Golgfag eventually ate all the other prisoners, apart from Skaff, contenting himself to only eat one of Skaff's legs. Skaff was naturally quite grateful for this and has stuck with Golgfag ever since.

Skaff is an Ogre Bruiser and carries the army's Battle Standard. The army may only include a single Skaff. The army may only include Skaff if it also includes Golgfag Maneater.


Skaff............................................................................. Points: 240

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Skaff 6 5 3 5 5 4 3 4 8

Wargear: The Manflesh Standard, Ogre club & heavy armour.

Special rules:
Cause Fear; Bull Charge; Immune to Psychology; Stubborn


Magic Items

The Manflesh Standard
Exuding the most delightful smell of fresh human meat, the Manflesh Banner drives the Ogres walking under it into a rage of carnage.
The bearer of the Manflesh Standard and any unit he joins may re-roll failed To Hit rolls in the first round of each of their combats.


Explanation of special rules

Skaff is a big infantry character, should be on a 40 mm base and has a unit Strength of 3. He is an Ogre for all intents and purposes.

Cause Fear: See page 50 of the Warhammer Rulebook.

Bull Charge: See page 16 of the Ogre Kingdoms army book.

Immune to Psychology: See page 53 of the Warhammer Rulebook.

Stubborn: See page 53 of the Warhammer Rulebook.


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