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Battle Standard Bearers

Orcs & Goblins Army Book Questions

by Avian

Below are a list of rules questions that have occured to me while reading the new book. They are listed using the following format:

Q: My question.
G: My guess (if I have one)
A: The official answer (if one exists)

Official FAQ sources used
GW Online FAQ [date] - Official GW website errata and FAQ page, updated on the listed date (yymmdd).
Note that sometimes the US and UK sites list different dates for their FAQ documents, in which case the UK date is used.


Questions with no apparent answer

These are questions that are simply not covered by the rules. In some cases this is caused by the combination of being subject to two contradictory compulsory movement modes.

Q: It is quite possible for an Orc & Goblin unit to be subject to several different rules that say how they must move (Animosity, Frenzy, Stupidity, Boiiing, several spells, etc.). How are we supposed to determine what happens when these rules come into conflict, for example if one rule says you must move and another says you must stand still?
G: Whichever happens first takes presedence?
A: ???

The next few questions are specific examples of the general question above.

Q: Units that Squabble may do nothing that turn. What exactly does that mean? Does it for example mean that they cannot choose to flee if enemies pursue into them in the close combat phase, or that they don't need to take Panic tests?
G: No idea
A: ???

Q: If a greenskin unit fails a Stupidity test (for example due to having a character with Guzzla's Battle Brew in it), will it also have to take an Animosity test? If so: What happens if the unit gets a Squabble or We'll Show 'em result?
G: No idea
A: ???

Q: Some units in the Orcs & Goblins army are always subject to compulsory movement (notably Squig Hoppers, Great Cave Squigs, Pump Wagons and Fanatics). Will these units have their movement altered if they should become subject to Stupidity or Frenzy (caused by a spell, magic item or other rule)?
G: No idea
A: ???

Q: Is it possible to move units that have Squabbled, failed a Stupidity test or rallied that turn with the Hand of Gork or Waaagh! spells?
G: Yes?
A: ???

Q: What type of base should the Great Cave Squig and Gigantic Spider be on?
G: 40 mm square base for both of them?
A: The Great Cave Squig comes on a 40 mm base, the Gigantic Spider appears to be on a 50 mm base.

Q: Will a successfull casting of the Waaagh! spell affect Fanatics? If so: in what way?
G: No?
A: Yes, they are moved in the same manner as other units and in a random direction if they cannot see any enemy models - GW Online FAQ [061209]

Q: When a unit with a 360 degree line of sight is affected by the Waaagh! spell or gets a We'll Show 'Em result for their Animosity test but cannot see any enemies, which direction do they move in?
G: Random direction? (the FAQ on the Fanatics work that way)
A: ???

Q: If a unit is netted by more than one unit of Night Goblins, is the -1 Strength modifiers cumulative? If so: What happens to units reduced to Strength 0.
G: Yes and if reduced to S0 they cannot do damage but nothing special happens? (Modifiers generally stack. Techically units reduced to Strength 0 are killed, but that seems overly harsh and in any case it is only a temporary modifier)
A: Modifiers are not cumulative - GW Online FAQ [061209]

Q: When, exactly, is the effect of nets rolled for in relation to impact hits and units choosing which weapon combinations they want to use?
G: At the start of each combat, before impact hits and before weapon combinations are chosen?
A: ???

Q: If a Goblin Battle Standard Bearer with the Spider Banner joins a Spear Chukka, what effect (if any) will poison have on the bolt from the Spear Chukka?
G: No idea
A: ???

Q: If Azhag the Slaughterer Miscasts, does he use the Miscast table in the rulebook or the Waaagh! Miscast table
G: The Waaagh one? (coz he's green)
A: He uses the table in the rulebook - GW Online FAQ [061209]

Q: If a Goblin with the Brimstone Bauble is mounted on a chariot or monster, does his mount take hits if the Goblin is killed?
G: Yes?
A: ???

Q: If all the Squigs in a Squig Herd are killed so that there are only Goblins left, and the Goblins then break from combat, will the Go Wild! rule still apply?
G: No?
A: ???

Q: How do Wyverns and Gigantic Spiders that have lost their riders fit into the Size Matters hierarchy?
G: They don't?
A: ???

Q: A Goblin character with the Tricksy Trinket is in combat with a unit where they rank and file models have a Ward save. How are the attacks made by the other models in the Goblin's unit affected by the Trinket?
G: No idea
A: ???

Q: How does the Amulet of Protectyness work if the attacking enemy model has a armour or Ward save with special rules? Some saves are negated by magical attacks, others only work against magical attacks, some give a re-roll, some have a different chance of saving against higher Strength, some work until the bearer suffers a Wound, and so on. Do these special rules also apply to the bearer of the Amulet of Protectyness?
G: No idea
A: ???

Q: The Boiiing! rule says that if a unit with this rule rolls high enough to reach an enemy unit, it counts as having declared a charge and follows all the normal rules. Does this mean that Squig Hoppers charge in the Move Chargers segment (as this is normal for a charging unit) and not in the Compulsory Movement segment?
G: Yes
A: ???

Q: If a Frenzied unit wants to use Gork's Waaaagh! Banner, when do you roll to determine their extra charge distance?
G: No idea
A: ???


Questions with an apparent (though sometimes strange) answer

These are questions where the rule seems quite clear, but I don't feel 100% sure that it says what it was actually intended to say. Alternatively, it does not say something I expected it to say.

Q: If a unit rolls a 1 for its Animosity test when a Waaagh! is called but is led by a Black Orc character, will the Quell Animosity rule then apply (i.e. the unit taking hits instead of Wounds and then being free to move normally)?
G: Yes?
A: ???

Q: Will a Black Orc Battle Standard Bearer still be Armed to da Teef?
G: Yes? (no mention that he would not)
A: ???

Q: Fanatics are not listed as being Immune to Psychology. Is this intentional?
G: No? (Fanatics fleeing due to failed Panic tests just seems odd)
A: It is an oversight and will be corrected in the second printing - GW Online FAQ [061209]

Q: Can you have multiple units of Big 'Uns in the same army if they are all of different types? Example: One unit of Big 'Uns on foot and one unit of Boar Boy Big 'Uns?
G: Yes?
A: ???

Q: Savage Orc Big 'Uns on foot are not listed as having the option to take a Magic Standard. Is this intentional?
G: No idea, but I hope not.
A: ???

Q: Can characters join units of Snotlings?
G: Yes?
A: ???

Q: Reading the Size Matters rule as written seems to indicate that enemies cannot cause Panic tests on Trolls unless they themselves are Trolls or Giants. Is this correct?
G: Yes? (that's literally what the rule says, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to me)
A: ???

Q: Similarly, would Giants be immune to Panic caused by enemy units who are not Giants?
G: Yes? (see above)
A: ???

Q: Neither the Great Cave Squig or the Gigantic Spider are listed as causing Fear. Is this intentional?
G: Yes? (though they seem to be very classic examples of scary monsters)
A: ???

Q: Is it possible for a unit of Squig Hoppers to change formation in any way?
G: No? (it seems as if you are stuck with the formation you deploy them in until you get into combat)
A: ???

Q: Do Chariots ridden by characters count as Special choices? If not, can they have the same options as other chariots (extra crew / animals)?
G: No to the first, yes to the second?
A: No to both - GW Online FAQ [061209]

Q: The Fanatic rule says they are killed if they come into contact with any terrain feature. Is this literally any terrain feature, including those that count as open terrain (roads, low hills, etc.) or just those that inhibit movement in some way?
G: Only those that inhibit movement?
A: ???

Q: The army list gives Savage Orc Warbosses and Warbosses the option of wearing light armour. Is this an oversight?
G: Yes? (They have never had this option before and by being allowed normal light armour they will even be able to take the Armour of Gork)
A: ???

Q: The description for Gork's Waaagh! Banner says that units that fail their charge will move forward "their normal charge distance". Is this intentional or should it be "their normal failed charge distance"?
G: Oversight? (moving 14" forward on a failed charge seems very odd)
A: It is an oversight and will be corrected in the second printing of the book - GW Online FAQ [061209]

Q: The Boiiing! states that Squigs always move 3D6" in the compulsory Movement phase. This has lead to some confusion and I assume that the rule is meant to say that the Squigs must only move when they would normally be allowed to move (i.e. they cannot move after rallying, for example) and that they cannot voluntarily move less than the rolled distance (i.e. they would stop when moving into firendly units and impassable terrain, for example). Am I correct in assuming this?
G: Yes? (people seem to be reading way too much into the word "always")
A: ???

Q: The Night Goblin Squig Hopper entry on page 26 lists Squig Hoppers as being Immune to Psychology. The entry for Great Cave Squigs on page 50, on the other hand, does not list Great Cave Squigs as Immune to Psychology. Is this an oversight?
G: Yes?
A: ???

Q: Similarly, the page 26 says that Squig Hoppers are skirmishers, but the summary for the Great Cave Squig on page 50 does not mention this either. Is this an oversight?
G: Yes?
A: ???


Silly questions

Q: If a unit of Night Goblins was destroyed but one or more of its released Fanatics survive the battle, does the opponent get full Victory points for the unit?
G: Yes?
A: Yes - GW Online FAQ [061209]

Q: A Night Goblin Battle Standard Bearer with the Bad Moon on a Stick would be Stubborn. If he were to join a unit of, say, Black Orcs, then the new Rulebook says that units led by a Stubborn character also become Stubborn, thus indirectly inheriting Stubbornness through the character rather than directly from the banner. Is this interpretation correct? If not, would the unit be able to use the Night Goblin's unmodified Leadership of 6 for Break tests if their own modified Leadership dropped below this level?
G: No to the first, no idea about the second?
A: ???

Q: If Night Goblin Battle Standard Bearer with the Bad Moon on a Stick joins a unit of Snotlings, would you then be allowed to use his unmodified Leadership of 6 for Break tests, since both the character and unit is Stubborn?
G: No idea
A: ???


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