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Suggested Changes to the 6th edition Greenskin Army Book

by Avian

The Orc & Goblin army book is quite nice and suitably balanced, though there are a couple of changes I'd like to see. Some of these ideas are my own, others inspired by other people.

Oh, and in addition to all this rulesy stuff I'd like some FLUFF! Honestly, other armies get fluff, why can't we?


General errata and clarifications

This is in many cases stuff that has been explained in FAQs and Errata, in other cases it should have been...

page 15 - Fanatics
Add the following sentence to the third paragraph, right column: "Hits from Fanatics are distributed in the same manner as shooting hits."

page 23 - Giants
In the 'Yell and Brawl' paragraph replace the following: "The enemy are automatically beaten and must take resultant Break tests with a -2 modifier."
with: "The Giant's side automatically count as having won the combat by 2 points, regardless of other factors."

page 27 - Waaagh! Miscast Table
Replacethe following: "Unless he can roll a 6 at the start of any succeeding turn ...."
with: "Unless he can roll a 6 at the start of any of his succeeding turns ...."

page 28 - The Hand of Gork
Replace the following: "You may cast this on one Orc or Goblin unit (of any type) within 24", ...."
with: "You may cast this on one Orc, Goblin or Snotling unit (of any type) within 24", ...."

page 46 - Orc Boar Chariot
Under Special rules add: "Tusker Charge"

page 67 - Grimgor Ironhide
Under Special rules replace: "Ignore Greenskin Animosity"
with: "Quell Animosity"

page 67 - Grimgor Ironhide
Under Gitsnik's rules replace the following: "In addition, Grimgor always attacks first."
with: "In addition, Grimgor always attacks first, even against enemies who have charged that turn. If an opponent also has an item or ability making them strike first attacks are made in Initiative order."


Rules alterations and additions

The main point of this list is to make less-used items and units a more attractive choice, and to tidy up a few cases which break the main rules.

page 11 - Savage Orcs
Add the following: "Savage Orcs may elect to deploy in a skirmish formation instead of a normal formation. If they do this they must skirmish for the entire battle, they cannot change between the two formation types."

page 18 - Squig Herds
Under special rules add: "Skirmish". Add the same to the entry on page 46.
Replace the following: "When deploying a Squig Herd on the tabletop, ...."
with: "When forming a Squig Herd up for combat, ...."
Add the following paragraph: "Recapturing loose Squigs: When the Squig Herd moves into contact with a loose Squig during the Remaining Moves phase and there are enough Night Goblins in the unit to control it, the Squig is pacified and no longer count as 'loose'.
Add the following to the Combat paragraph: "Due to all the din enemy units in contact with the Squig Herd never get the combat bonus for having a musician."

page 31 - Ugbrag's Lucky Shield
Points cost reduced from 30 to 25.

page 31 - Sizzla's Shiny Baubles
Points cost reduced from 35 to 25
Delete the following: "You may even do this if the spell was cast with Irresistible Force."
and: "(unless it was cast with Irresistible Force)"

page 32 - Staff of Sneaky Stealin'
Points cost reduced from 25 to 20

page 33 - Bad Moon Banner
Points cost reduced from 60 to 50 pts
Replace: "The unit is stubborn."
with: "All Night Goblins in the unit (including characters) are stubborn."

page 34 - Choosing Characters
Replace the following: "Also, if an army contains only Goblin characters then it may take one additional Goblin or Night Goblin Big Boss for each full 1,000 points in the army."
with: "Also, since Goblins are so weedy, you may take any combination of two Goblin Big Bosses and/or Shamans (Level 1s only) counting as one Hero choice instead of two. Shamans taken in this way may not be upgraded to Level 2. Any number of these two-for-one combos may be taken i an army with a Goblin General, in other cases only one may be taken."

page 35 - Choosing Characters
Add the following: "If the General is a Warboss mounted on a Boar then one unit of Boar Boyz of the same race (ie, Orc Boar Boyz if the General is an Orc, and Savage Orc Boar Boyz if the General is a Savage Orc) may be taken as a Core unit choice."

page 42 - Orc Boyz
Add the following to the weapon options: "halberd (+2 pts/model, Big 'Uns only)"
Add the following option: "Any unit may be equipped with throwing axes for +1 pt/model."

page 42 - Orc Arrer Boyz
Points cost per model reduced from 7 to 6
Add the option: "If the army includes two or more units of Orc Arrer Boyz one unit may swap their bows for crossbows for +1 pt/model."

page 42 - Savage Orc Boyz
Replace the following: "bow (+3 pts/model)"
with: "bow (+2 pt/model)"

page 43 - Goblins
Replace the following: "Any unit may either be equipped with spears for +1 pt/model, or may exchange their shields for short bows for +1 pt/model."
with: "Any unit may either be equipped with spears for +1 pt/model, javelins for +1 pt/model, or may exchange their shields for short bows for free."

page 44 - Night Goblins
Replace the following: "Any unit may either be equipped with spears for +1 pt/model, or may exchange their shields for short bows for +1 pt/model."
with: "Any unit may either be equipped with spears for +1 pt/model, or may exchange their shields for short bows for free."

page 46 - Squig Herds
Unit size altered from 10+ to 10-30.
Add the following: "The unit must include a minimum of 1 Squig per 5 Night Goblins up to a maximum of 3 Squigs per Night Goblin."

page 48 - Snotling Pump Wagon
Add the following: "*Note that 1-2 Snotling Pump Wagons count as only 1 Rare Unit choice."


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