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Running a Tournament

The Grumpy Sorcerer

by Avian

(or, "Keep down the noise out there!")

Place a suitable tower model in the centre of the battlefield. The sorcerer in the tower is not particularly friendly and does not take lightly to being disturbed by a battle on his doorstep.

Roll a D6 at the start of each players magic phase (after any 'start of the magic phase' effects but before any spells are cast) to see which spell the sorcerer attempts to cast:

  1. Creeping Death (Lore of Shadows), 6+, two dice
    Cast on random unit within 12". If no units within 12", will cast on random unit within 24".
    Target player may attempt to dispel.
  2. The Howler Wind (Lore of Life), 7+, two dice
    Player who has the current turn may attempt to dispel first. Unless double 1 is rolled to dispel, opponent may then attempts to dispel.
  3. Fiery Blast (Lore of Fire), 8+, three dice
    Cast on random unit within 12". If no units within 12", will cast on random unit within 24".
    Target player may attempt to dispel.
  4. Storm of Cronos (Lore of the Heavens), 9+, three dice
    Cast on all units within 12".
    Player who has the current turn may attempt to dispel first. Unless double 1 is rolled to dispel, opponent may then attempts to dispel.
  5. Drain Life (Lore of Death), 10+, four dice
    Cast on all units within 12".
    Player who has the current turn may attempt to dispel first. Unless double 1 is rolled to dispel, opponent may then attempts to dispel.
  6. Bane of Forged Steel (Lore of Metal), 11+, four dice
    Cast on random unit within 12". If no units within 12", will cast on random unit within 24".
    Target player may attempt to dispel. If the player whos turn it is gets to dispel he will use his Power dice for this.

All ranges are measured from the base of the tower. Should the sorcerer Miscast the spells simply fails to cast, do not roll on the Miscast table.

Bonus for winning the battle: The player who won the battle gains access to the sorcerer's extensive library of spell books. In the next battle one of the wizards in the winner's army may roll his spells from ANY spell list (no exceptions, though read the spell descriptions carefully). The chosen wizard may also roll an additional dice for spells and remove the one he does not want (e.g. a level two wizard would roll 3 dice, rolling for example 2, 3 and 6. He decides he does not want spell number 6 and removes that dice).


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