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Marauder Units and Characters

Hold the Pass

by Avian

Overview: In this scenario one force is trying to hold a vital mountain pass from the marauding horde of an enemy army.

Armies: Both armies are chosen using the Warhammer Army lists to an agreed points value.

Battlefield: There should be a mountain ridge going from the centre of one long table edge to the other, leaving only an 18" wide pass. The ridge is impassable terrain. The western side of the pass should have a scattering of hills while the eastern side of the pass should have none. Otherwise the terrain should be sparse.


  1. The attacker may set aside units worth up to 10% of the total army value and any of his Scout units as a flanking force. These units are not initially deployed on the battlefield and the player must note down if he wants the force to arrive in turn 2 or 3. Chariots and war machines may not be in the flanking force.
  2. Both players roll a dice, the highest decides who starts deploying.
  3. Taking it in turns, each player deploys one unit at a time. Attacking units must be placed at least 12" east of the pass while defending units may be placed anywhere west of the pass.
  4. All war machines in a player's army are deployed at the same time, though they can be deployed in different parts of the battlefield.
  5. Characters are deployed after all other units, all at the same time. Characters may start the battle with units if you wish.
  6. Finally the defender deploys his Scouting units following the normal rules for Scouts. Scouting units in the attacker's army must either join the flanking force or set up with the rest of the army.

Who goes first? The attacker decides who goes first.

Length of game: The game lasts for six turns.

Special rules: If the flanking force is set to arrive at the start of the attacker's second turn they will arrive from a randomly chosen table edge in the western half of the table. If they are set to arrive in the third turn the attacker may decide which edge they arrive from. Flanking counts as returning after having pursued an enemy unit off the table.

Victory conditions: The attacker wins if he has at least one unit that started the battle on the eastern side of the battlefield on the western side of the pass when the battle ends. The unit must also have a Unit Strength of at least 10. Flyers and fleeing units don't count.


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