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Sample Greenskin Army Lists

by Avian

Below is a selection of sample Orcs & Goblins army lists of various types and sizes for those of you who want to have some idea of what to do with the army list, now that you have read a description of the individual units.



Army lists are firstly sorted by size and secondly by theme. In all cases the later armies build (more or less) on the previous ones.

1000 pt lists

1500 pt lists

2000 pt lists

2500 pt lists


1000 pt lists

A thousand points is a bit small for a proper army, but it is a nice start and playing with it should give you some idea of how the greenskin army works. The lists shown here, although somewhat different, are still reasonably similar and it is more when the army grows that a themed army differs from a standard one. Starting off, the armies consist of a decently large core of models, which will be added to later. It has not filled out the Hero, Special or Rare slots yet and instead focuses on filling the basics. More specialised support units are in any case more interchangeable, since they consist of fewer models, and it is relatively quick to paint up a Rock Lobber if you find that Squig Hoppers are not the thing for you.

You will see right away that the units chosen are full units and that I have not, for example, started with a unit of ten Orc Boyz with the intent of adding to them later. I much prefer to collect units all in one go and I tend to find that a proper-sized unit is more than twice as good as two half-size units. I would only use less than complete units in tiny battles (say, 500 pts). To be able to afford this, the units chosen are rather cheap ones, to give me a decent number of units.


1k army list #1 - Mixed Horde list

The basic mixed list below is quite tough, with almost fifty Orcs in it, in addition to seven smaller support units to back them up. Already at this point you can see the great variety of units a greenskin commander can field; there are decently tough infantry, wimpy infantry, fast cavalry, a chariot, war machines and skirmishers (plus a fanatic). It is also quite hard-hitting, with most units striking at Strength 4 or more, at least in the first round of combat. For our general we have chosen a reasonably expensive Black Orc Big Boss, but we have saved some points in not maxing out on magic items for him and not taking any other characters. In battle, he will lead one unit of Orc Boyz, which will take center position in our army.


Black Orc Big Boss @ 132 pts
- Akk'rit Axe
- Heavy armour & shield
- Boar


23 Orc Boyz @ 168 pts
- Choppa
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

23 Orc Boyz @ 168 pts
- Choppa
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician


1 Orc Boar Chariot @ 80 pts

2 Goblin Spear Chukkas @ 70 pts

8 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers @ 120 pts

Total: 998 pts


1k army list #2 - Mixed Goblin list

As opposed to the mixed horde list, the gobbo army starts off with two characters rather than one, as gobbo characters are rather weedy. However, like the mixed horde list, it also starts off with both Night Goblins, Wolf Riders, Spear Chukkas and Squig Hoppers. Gobbo infantry are of course rather wimpier than Orc infantry, and so we have included more war machines to shoot up nasty enemy units and a couple of Snotling bases to divert them with if they should get close. As our BSB is rather important to us (he lets all Goblin units within 12" re-roll failed Panic tests), we will do our best to protect him from harm, preferably by placing him in a unit close to the centre of the battle line, but not in the path of anything too scary. If our opponent does not have much missile fire we might even place him behind our general's unit, where he should be reasonably safe.


Goblin Big Boss @ 73 pts
- Great weapon
- Light armour
- Best Boss 'At

Goblin Big Boss @ 112 pts
- Hand weapon
- Light armour
- Battle Standard Bearer
- Big Red Raggedy Banner


28 Goblins @ 136 pts
- Hand weapon
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

28 Goblins @ 136 pts
- Hand weapon
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

2 Snotling bases @ 40 pts


8 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers @ 120 pts

2 Goblin Spear Chukkas @ 70 pts


1 Goblin Doom Diver @ 80 pts

Total: 1000 pts


1k army list #3 - All-Mounted Army

With my cavalry lists, I like to get a good variety of units in right from the start, so my suggested 1000 pt list includes both chariots, medium cavalry, fast cavalry and squig hoppers. It also contains both a Big Boss and a Shaman. Normally I would not bother with magic defense at this level unless I knew I was up against something with a good amount of spellslinging, but mounted lists are very vulnerable to getting zapped, so I included a gobbo shaman in a chariot. The good side of this is that if my opponent doesn't bring any wizards, my shaman will still be useful, driving around and ramming things.
If I was expecting to be facing cannons, I would not take chariots, since they then tend to die very easily and I'd instead have my characters mounted on normal steeds.
Note that both fast cavalry units are Wolf Riders in this case. We could have chosen Spider Riders instead, but in smaller battles I consider wolves to be better than spiders, as terrain is less of an obstacle with fewer units on the table.


Orc Big Boss @ 179 pts
- Akk'rit Axe
- Light armour & shield
- Boar Chariot

Goblin Shaman, lvl 1 @ 165 pts
- Staff of Sneaky Stealin'
- Wolf Chariot


10 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 170 pts
- Spear
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear & short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Light armour
- Musician


6 Savage Orc Boar Boy Big 'Uns @ 219 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Standard bearer & musician

8 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers @ 120 pts

Total: 1000 pts


1500 pt lists

An army at fifteen hundred points looks much more like a complete army than one at a thousand points and plays much more like one as well. The most challenging problem for me at this point is what to do with my characters. It is around this level I find that something needs to be done about magic, other armies that want to go heavy on magic will usually be able to do so and so the question of how much of a defense against hostile magic I want to take arises. I could go with a couple of shamans myself, but I find that they are quite easily neutralised by a single defensive wizard. But if my opponent just takes a single defensive wizard, I might as well just go without shamans (if you bring a defensive wizard and your opponent does the same, you have just wasted a lot of points) and spend the points on something better. The first army avoids the problem somewhat by taking a Battle Standard Bearer with Mork's Spirit-totem, which gives me a decent magic defense without taking any shamans and a quite competent fighter as well.


1.5k army list #1 - Mixed Horde list

As mentioned above, this list adds a Black Orc BSB to lead our second unit of Orc Boyz. He can fight, he gives his unit another standard, he lets nearby units re-roll failed break tests, he gives us protection from magic and he stops his unit from squabbling. Very nice, but at 180 points he should be! Unit-wise we add more support units (gobbos of various types), as even though the Boyz are now quite good, they cannot win a battle all by themselves. If we'd wanted to, we could instead have added a third unit of Orc Boyz at the expense of some gobbos, but I have always been in favour of having a good number of units on the table.


Black Orc Big Boss @ 145 pts
- Akk'rit Axe
- Enchanted Shield
- Heavy armour
- Boar

Black Orc Big Boss @ 180 pts
- Armed to da Teef
- Heavy armour
- Battle Standard Bearer
- Mork's Spirit-totem
- Boar


23 Orc Boyz @ 168 pts
- Choppa
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

23 Orc Boyz @ 168 pts
- Choppa
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician


1 Orc Boar Chariot @ 80 pts

2 Goblin Spear Chukkas @ 70 pts

8 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers


1 Goblin Doom Diver @ 80 pts

Total: 1498 pts


1.5k army list #2 - Mixed Goblin list

As gobbo armies cannot get the Spirit-totem, we need to look elsewhere for our magic defense and a nice and easy one comes in the form of a level 1 Night Goblin Shaman with the Staff of Sneaky Stealin'. Realistically, it might not be necessary for us to take any magic defense at all and instead add another Big Boss to lead a unit (or just spend the points on more rank and file gobbos). One thing gobbos have problems with is not having enough units that can actually fight, which is why we are now including a largeish Squig Herd and a unit of 'eavy Wolf Riders.


Goblin Big Boss @ 73 pts
- Great weapon
- Light armour
- Best Boss 'At

Goblin Big Boss @ 112 pts
- Hand weapon
- Light armour
- Battle Standard Bearer
- Big Red Raggedy Banner

Night Goblin Shaman, lvl 1 @ 100 pts
- Staff of Sneaky Stealin'


29 Goblins @ 136 pts
- Hand weapon
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

29 Goblins @ 136 pts
- Hand weapon
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

10 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 170 pts
- Spear
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician

2 Snotling bases @ 40 pts


5 Night Goblin Squig Hunting Teams @ 150 pts
(15 Squigs & 10 Night Goblins)

8 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers @ 120 pts

2 Goblin Spear Chukkas @ 70 pts


1 Goblin Doom Diver @ 80 pts

Total: 1499 pts


1.5k army list #3 - All-Mounted list

The 1500-pt Mounted list sees the inclusion of a couple of heavy-hitting units, a Black Orc BSB in a chariot and a Giant. Not only can these guys do a considerable amount of damage, they also have good staying power, being able to take charges better than most of our other units.
Also included are another unit of Wolf Riders, as I believe that one unit of fast cavalry per 500 pts is a good amount.


Orc Big Boss @ 179 pts
- Akk'rit Axe
- Light armour & shield
- Boar Chariot

Black Orc Battle Standard Bearer @ 219 pts
- Armed to da Teef
- Heavy Armour
- War Banner
- Boar Chariot

Goblin Shaman, lvl 1 @ 165 pts
- Staff of Sneaky Stealin'
- Wolf Chariot


10 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 170 pts
- Spear
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear & short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear & short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician


6 Savage Orc Boar Boy Big 'Uns @ 219 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Standard bearer & musician

8 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers @ 120 pts


1 Giant @ 205 pts

Total: 1500 pts


2000 pt lists

In my experience, 2000 pt list often end up being very small because players put far too many points into expensive Lords and those extra Special and Rare choices they suddenly get. Thus you often get an army list that has fewer models than one at 1500 pts. Thus I personally tend to try and limit myself so that I can still have a very decent core to my army and get enough models on the table. Another way of doing this is to select quite cheap Special and Rare choices, which gives you both a selection of tough blocks to build your army around and a good number of more specialised support units.


2k army list #1 - Mixed Horde list

As the upgrade of our general to a Warboss and the addition of a Shaman for an even better magic defense is rather costly when put together, this list does not contain the maximum allowed number of characters. The points saved on this gives us enough points for a third unit of Orc Boyz, this time armed with two choppas instead of choppas and shields (both options are really pretty much equally effective). Not only that, but there is just enough points left over for a Rock Lobber with a Bully (there isn't really much reason to take one on a Spear Chukka). Orc Boyz are quite nice and useful, but if they come up against very tough opponents it's nice to be able to soften them up somewhat before you get into combat with them. For our Rare choices, we have swapped out the Doom Diver for a couple of Trolls, which are quite nice for such a low cost. Normally I try to stay away from Trolls when I don't have some sort of Orc Warboss to lead the army, as having to take Stupidity tests at a Leadership of only 8 is a bit too risky for my taste.


Black Orc Warboss @ 263 pts
- Akk'rit Axe
- Kickin' Boots
- Best Boss 'At
- Heavy armour & shield
- Boar

Black Orc Big Boss @ 180 pts
- Armed to da Teef
- Heavy armour
- Battle Standard Bearer
- Mork's Spirit-totem
- Boar

Night Goblin Shaman, lvl 1 @ 100 pts
- Staff of Sneaky Stealin'


23 Orc Boyz @ 168 pts
- Choppa
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

23 Orc Boyz @ 168 pts
- Choppa
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

22 Orc Boyz @ 184 pts
- Two choppas
- Light armour
- Full command

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician

2 Snotling bases @ 40 pts


1 Orc Boar Chariot @ 80 pts

2 Goblin Spear Chukkas @ 70 pts

1 Goblin Rock Lobber @ 75 pts
- Bully

8 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers @ 120 pts


1 Troll @ 40 pts

1 Troll @ 40 pts

Total: 1996 pts


2k army list #2 - Mixed Goblin list

Gobbo armies actually tend to do better when they are just at the thresholds in army size; that is, it is easier to play with all-gobbos when the battle is 2,000 points than when it is 2,500 pts. As gobbos are so cheap, you can usually get both a decent amount of basic troops and a decent amount of specialised troops at 2,000 pts, while other armies tend to only get one or the other. Meanwhile, as you expand to 2,500 pts, gobbos are usually forced to just add more wimpy units, while other armies can bulk out with more useful things.


Goblin Warboss @ 134 pts
- Great weapon
- Light armour
- Best Boss 'At
- Kickin' Boots

Goblin Big Boss @ 110 pts
- Hand weapon
- Battle Standard Bearer
- Big Red Raggedy Banner

Night Goblin Shaman, lvl 1 @ 100 pts
- Staff of Sneaky Stealin'


28 Goblins @ 132 pts
- Hand weapon
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

28 Goblins @ 132 pts
- Hand weapon
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

10 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 170 pts
- Spear
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

10 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 170 pts
- Spear
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician

2 Snotling bases @ 40 pts

2 Snotling bases @ 40 pts


5 Night Goblin Squig Hunting Teams @ 150 pts
(15 Squigs & 10 Night Goblins)

8 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers @ 120 pts

2 Goblin Spear Chukkas @ 70 pts

1 Goblin Rock Lobber @ 70 pts


1 Goblin Doom Diver @ 80 pts

2 Snotling Pump Wagons @ 80 pts

Total: 1999 pts


2k army list #3 - All-Mounted list

At 2000 points, our general is a Warboss. I don't see a lot to wonder about here - he is a better fighter (the extra Attack and Strength makes a lot of difference), better leader and much tougher than a Big Boss. He is mounted in a chariots as I feel that this is the best choice for him if you are not giving him a Boar Boy unit as a bodyguard, and at 2k it is very easy to end up with too few units.
To bulk up the army, I've added a second block of Wolf Riders, who will stick close to the general to benefit from his Leadership 9. As normal I've also added another fast cavalry unit. This time it's Spider Riders, as the army is now getting so large that the ability to go through terrain is more interesting. To get even more units on the field, I've also added a lone Boar Chariot and a Troll. Like the Wolf Rider blocks, the Troll will need to stick by the general. While not amazing on its own, it can work great in support of other units and has the additional advantage that it is almost impossible to panic and doesn't cause panic in anything else either. And it's very cheap.


Black Orc Warboss @ 319 pts
- Akk'rit Axe
- Kickin' Boots
- Best Boss 'At
- Heavy armour & shield
- Boar Chariot

Black Orc Battle Standard Bearer @ 219 pts
- Armed to da Teef
- Heavy Armour
- War Banner
- Boar Chariot

Goblin Shaman, lvl 1 @ 165 pts
- Staff of Sneaky Stealin'
- Wolf Chariot


10 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 170 pts
- Spear
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

10 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 170 pts
- Spear
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear & short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician


6 Savage Orc Boar Boy Big 'Uns @ 219 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Standard bearer & musician

8 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers @ 120 pts

1 Orc Boar Chariot @ 80 pts


1 Giant @ 205 pts

1 Troll @ 40 pts

Total: 1996 pts


2500 pt lists

This is the level I prefer to play at most of the time - large enough that you get the feel of a proper army, but not so large that carting around the army becomes a chore or the battle takes forever. Of course, the downside is that you don't really have to make too many difficult choices as you can usually cover most of your bases and the armies end up being a little more dull and predictable. Anyways, the extra 500 pts you get over 2k can be used to bulk out the army with more units, or replace cheaper units with more expensive ones. I tend to prefer the former, but then I am a great fan of combined arms using a plethora of cheap units.


2.5k army list #1 - Mixed Horde list

As the fourth and final character in the army, we have gone for the somewhat unusual choice of a Savage Orc Big Boss in a chariot. We could of course have upgraded our level 1 Shaman, bought a second level 2 and tried to sling some spells around, but the Big Boss we have chosen is both fun to use and can kick out a horrible amount of attacks (nearly all at Strength 5) when he charges. He'll need to be protected somewhat due to his Frenzy, but that problem can be overcome with the proper use of fast cavalry and similar units. At this level we are also bulking out our units of Orc Boyz to make them even more resistant to missile fire and adding even more support units. We could have swapped one unit of Orc Boyz and one of the Special choices for a unit of Black Orcs, but I don't really think that is a very good trade.


Black Orc Warboss @ 263 pts
- Akk'rit Axe
- Kickin' Boots
- Best Boss 'At
- Heavy armour & shield
- Boar

Black Orc Big Boss @ 180 pts
- Armed to da Teef
- Heavy armour
- Battle Standard Bearer
- Mork's Spirit-totem
- Boar

Savage Orc Big Boss @ 199 pts
- Porko's Pigstikka
- Light armour & shield
- Boar Chariot

Night Goblin Shaman, lvl 1 @ 100 pts
- Staff of Sneaky Stealin'


28 Orc Boyz @ 198 pts
- Choppa
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

28 Orc Boyz @ 198 pts
- Choppa
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

28 Orc Boyz @ 226 pts
- Two choppas
- Light armour
- Full command

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Short bow
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician

2 Snotling bases @ 40 pts

2 Snotling bases @ 40 pts


1 Orc Boar Chariot @ 80 pts

2 Goblin Spear Chukkas @ 70 pts

1 Goblin Rock Lobber @ 75 pts
- Bully

8 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers @ 120 pts


1 Troll @ 40 pts

1 Troll @ 40 pts

Total: 2498 pts


2.5k army list #2 - Mixed Goblin list

As we already maxed out on Special and Rare choices at 2,000 pts, and the Core gobbo units are not very big in the damage-dealing department, we need to go a different route with our last 500 pts (well, we could have simply added heaps more gobbos, but that would probably not have been very effective). Thus we will go for a couple of level 2 Goblin Shamans with some useful magic items to help with our casting. Now, one of the main problems with gobbo spellslingers is that they are a bit too vulnerable to Animosity and Panic causing them to miss chances at casting spells. We get around this with a large unit of Snotlings to put them in, and we'll probably chuck in the BSB as well. Now, Snotlings have one big weakness and that is that they are absolutely horrible in combat and they'll run away from even quite wimpy units should they get charged. We will get around this by placing the mob directly behind some of our infantry blocks, so that enemy units will not physically have room to charge them. And if things look like the'll go badly soon, the characters can always run away and hide in some other unit. All this stuff costs a fair bit, but normal gobbos are cheap and digging up the points at this level isn't too difficult. Actually, we even have points left over to buy another large block of Goblin infantry!


Goblin Warboss @ 144 pts
- Great weapon
- Light armour
- Best Boss 'At
- Horn of Urgok

Goblin Big Boss @ 112 pts
- Hand weapon
- Light armour
- Battle Standard Bearer
- Big Red Raggedy Banner

Goblin Shaman, lvl 2 @ 135 pts
- 'Itty Ring
- Dispel Scroll

Night Goblin Shaman, lvl 2 @ 135 pts
- Staff of Sneaky Stealin'


28 Goblins @ 132 pts
- Hand weapon
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

28 Goblins @ 132 pts
- Hand weapon
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

27 Goblins @ 128 pts
- Hand weapon
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

20 Night Goblins @ 89 pts
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- Musician
- 1 Fanatic

10 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 170 pts
- Spear
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

10 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 170 pts
- Spear
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear, short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician

6 Snotling bases @ 120 pts

2 Snotling bases @ 40 pts

2 Snotling bases @ 40 pts


5 Night Goblin Squig Hunting Teams @ 150 pts
(15 Squigs & 10 Night Goblins)

8 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers @ 120 pts

2 Goblin Spear Chukkas @ 70 pts

1 Goblin Rock Lobber @ 70 pts


1 Goblin Doom Diver @ 80 pts

2 Snotling Pump Wagons @ 80 pts

Total: 2500 pts


2.5k army list #3 - All-Mounted list

This is where I add in a fourth character, a Savage Big Boss in a chariot. Wielding a magic weapon (he could take the Pigstikka instead if you like) and with four attacks to start with due to Frenzy, he can do a whole lot of damage. We could have taken this guy as the general in a smaller force, but without a decent amount of fast cavalry in the army, two frenzied units can be difficult to control.
I have also taken the Warboss out of his chariot and chosen to have him lead a large unit of Boar Boyz instead, to give him a solid bodyguard unit. This unit will be a great missile magnet, but that is not necessarily a bad thing, as this unit can take it better than most other units in the army. As an alternative, we could have placed him on a Wyvern or left him in his chariot and taken a second Giant instead.


Black Orc Warboss @ 263 pts
- Akk'rit Axe
- Kickin' Boots
- Best Boss 'At
- Heavy armour & shield
- Boar

Black Orc Battle Standard Bearer @ 219 pts
- Armed to da Teef
- Heavy Armour
- War Banner
- Boar Chariot

Savage Orc Big Boss @ 209 pts
- Shaga's Screaming Sword
- Light armour & shield
- Boar Chariot

Goblin Shaman, lvl 1 @ 165 pts
- Staff of Sneaky Stealin'
- Wolf Chariot


10 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 170 pts
- Spear
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

10 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 170 pts
- Spear
- Light armour & shield
- Full command

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear & short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear & short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 76 pts
- Spear & short bow
- Light armour
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician

5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders @ 71 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Musician


11 Orc Boar Boyz @ 305 pts
- Spear
- Light armour & shield
- Full command
- Banner of Butchery

6 Savage Orc Boar Boy Big 'Uns @ 219 pts
- Spear
- Shield
- Standard bearer & musician

8 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers @ 120 pts

1 Orc Boar Chariot @ 80 pts


1 Giant @ 205 pts

Total: 2495 pts


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